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Reports and musings from a seminarian at General Theological Seminary, New York City.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Food and Farewell

This last week in Indianpolis is filled with goodbyes, often accompanied by meals. Good friends and good food -- what more could I ask?

Yesterday was my last Sunday at my home parish, and the rector called me and my partner forward to be recognized. I received gifts from the congregation -- specifically, several books to aid in by study of Biblical Greek, as well as Greek flashcards! More importantly, I received affirmation from the congregation, along with their prayers. Many, many parishioners wished me well. It was a morning of blessings.

After church several of our dearest friends and travel companions joined us for brunch at a great new Mexican food restaurant on Indy's northside, Adobo. We laughed and talked, and I was reminded once again how much I love these people. Deb, Cassie, Mark, Michael -- thank you for your continuing gift of friendship. I certainly take it with me.

This evening we went to the home of Tanya, a dear friend and mentor, for dinner and conversation. Tanya, a long-time priest in this diocese, has been my spiritual director through what was a sometimes difficult period of aspirancy for postulancy. (For those who might not be up on their Anglican lingo, I am now a postulant -- that is, a candidate for priesthood.) Partner and I, along with our Scottish Terrier Franklin, enjoyed the lovely hospitality of Tanya and her Sheltie, Julian. Before we left, Tanya gathered us up and said a beautiful prayer to send us on our way. She asked God to always help us remember through the new experiences of the coming months that God is with us -- we need not be scared or lonely.

Indeed, I know that God's presence -- particularly as it is experienced through the love of friends -- is what has sustained me, and will still sustain me through the journey. Praise God, from whom ALL blessings flow.

More farewell dinners are still to come this week -- reports to follow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wendy and I are so glad you've decided to write and our prayers are with you as well. It's good to remember that you are not on this journey alone...none of us are. Go in peace, serve the Lord.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006 6:02:00 PM  

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